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Na Kani O Hula Blog

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Na Kani O Hula Blog

Location: Pukalani, Hawaii, United States

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Quick Farm Update

Ipu field number 2 is really coming along nicely. Lots of flowers.

The plants seem to be happier this time around. Hopefully we'll have lots of nice ipu.

The ipu from field 1 are all harvested and are very slowly drying out on the racks.

These ipu were harvested throughout the month of October. So they have been sitting for at least 2 months now. As you can see, some are turning brown, but many are still green! Ah well, can't rush nature....

The chickens got a new cage for Christmas. Now they have lots of room to scratch and play :) Let's hope they'll give us some eggs in a couple of months.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Fun Christmas

Hope you all had a great Christmas.
It's always fun when there are young (and young at heart) kids around. This year we made gingerbread houses.

Next year I'll definitely have to get the pre-made houses! It sure was fun watching the construction work tho :)

And here is my new favorite picture......

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What a Windy Winter!

This winter sure is a windy one! Sad to say, not good for surfing :(
But I suppose it's meant to be as we're getting lots of work done. Keeping up with orders and getting things done on the farm.
Being here in Kula, we can definitely feel the cold. So we had to invest in a couple of heaters. Here's our fireplace...

I think the imitation fire is supposed to fool your mind into thinking you are nice and toasty.

Well, at least this weather produces great sunsets...

By the way, after I posted my previous blog about the neti pot, it came out in the news that a couple of people died after using their neti pot with contaminated tap water. So I should say, use purified, distilled or previously boiled water with your neti.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Neti Pot

Well, today is another cold and rainy day.....(this photo from yesterday)....and a good day to catch up with office work.This also becomes the time when colds get passed around...especially now that we will be spending more time with crowds at the store and perhaps at those holiday get togethers :)

Ever since I heard Dr. Oz say that using a neti pot can prevent catching a cold (among other benefits), I have been using it regularly and for me, it works wonders!

You can find a pot at most any health store along with the salt (I love Mana's in Paia). Mix 1/4 teaspoon of the salt with warm water. You rinse out your nose by pouring this mixture in one nostril and it comes out the other..kinda weird at first.

Since I work with feathers, gourd dust and dirt (and have allergies to boot), my nose thanks me after every rinse!

Of course nothing beats the ocean water for cleaning out your sinuses but what you gonna do when there's no surf?

Monday, December 5, 2011


Protea in the foreground, newest ipu crop in back and West Maui Mountains beyond.

We planted some protea over the weekend. Mostly kings and minks for now (some pins later). Hopefully, we should have flowers in a year or two :)

Ehu loves to search for mice under the mulch paper...which can be a big problem sometimes!

This is a row of protea called Red Rex. Can't wait to see what the flower will look like!