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Na Kani O Hula Blog

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Na Kani O Hula Blog

Location: Pukalani, Hawaii, United States

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Poli'ahu visits Maui

Photo by Caitlin Nacimento
Well, the big news on Maui today is the snow that has fallen on Haleakala! I just got back from a journey to the post office and Foodland (had to purchase ingredients to make chowder tonight!) and the temperature outside is 62 degrees. This is quite cold for lunch time in Hawaii. I have on shorts, sweatpants, longshirt, lumber jacket and socks......just guzzled down a hot caramel machiatta and still cold!

Here is a picture of my niece and nephew playing in the snow......
But this snow is in Eugene, Oregon. My brother says this too is an unusual event for their place.

Looking at this picture makes me even colder!

OK, here is a much warmer picture that was taken just the other day from the back yard.
In Hawai'i, the rainbow was looked upon as one of the signs of royalty.

'Anuenue is just one word to describe a rainbow. Like the wind, rain, surf and other events of nature, Hawaiians had different names and poetic references to describe the subtle differences and characteristics of these events.

Today's 'Olelo No'eau: Poli'ahu, ka wahine kapa hau anu o Mauna Kea/Poli'ahu, the woman who wears the snow mantle of Mauna Kea.

Poli'ahu is the goddess of snows; her home is on Mauna Kea.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Heavenly Hana

This past Sunday we were invited out to Hana to do a couple of workshops at the Art Barn.

On Sunday we worked on puniu.

After the the last knot was tied and ka finished, we had some time to enjoy Hana. We went to Hamoa to do some surfing. Then to Koki where Kent did a little fishing.....or I should say, caught a little fish!

Monday morning we worked on 'uli'uli.
Sewing feathers always takes time and patience.
Congratulations, everyone did a wonderful job.

Look at the beautiful 'uli'uli!

We were hosted by Hana Accomodations.
This was the sunrise we witnessed from just outside our cottage. We had a very nice stay here and especially enjoyed the hot tub!

Today's 'Olelo No'eau: E malama i ka 'olelo, i kuleana e kipa mai ai./Remember the invitation, for it gives you the privelege of coming here.

A person feels welcome when accepting an invitation and friendly promises.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

This year the neighbors got together to make an imu on New Years Eve.

The young boys dug the hole.

Kiawe wood was laid out on the bottom of the pit and stones on top of the wood.
It happened to be raining yesterday and the guys were worried the fire would not get started.

But as you can see, they were very happy to have a hot imu.

While the men worked on the fire, the females put
together the laulau. Lu'au leaf, pork, beef and fish wrapped in ti leaf.

After the kiawe turned to charcoal and the rocks glowing hot, mashed banana stumps are spread on the rocks. Banana leaves were placed on top of the stumps.

Then it was time to load the meat. Each house brought what ever they wanted. There was turkey, pork butts, ham, ribs and laulau.

Ti and banana leaves covered the pans, and soaked burlap bags covered the leaves. A tarp went over this and then dirt. No steam was going to escape!
The guys then relaxed and had fun at the imu for the rest of the night.

This morning it was time to open the imu. Everything was cooked perfectly and very moist.

If you're wondering, that's Nell the dog in the corner getting a closer look.

Lomi salmon and squid lu'au rounded out the meal. We didn't have poi since it was sold out everywhere........but rice worked just as well.

We wish only the best for you all in the New Year!!

Happy 2008!

Today's 'Olelo No'eau: 'Ai manu Ko'olau./Eat of the birds of Ko'olau.

Said of a feast where delicious foods are eaten.