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Na Kani O Hula Blog

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Na Kani O Hula Blog

Location: Pukalani, Hawaii, United States

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Items!

It was a very cold and rainy day here in Maui nei. Yet, we woke up early and drove down to check the surf (me, wondering why?!?). But it ended up to be a fabulous time...aside from the cold and pelting rain, there were a ton of glassy waves and no crowd!

When we got home it was freezing! So after a little work outside, I came into the semi-warm office and updated the website. Tried to clean up the pictures (so they're kinda the same size) and added some new items.

Check out the Specials....I slashed prices and added some goodies like Hula Panties and White 'uli'uli caps.

In the Craft Supplies you will now find Niau Blanc. The bleached young coconut leaves that are used for Tahitian costuming and also used by some weavers I know.

Also new to the website are our Keiki Pu'ili. Previously, we were making them just for the Keiki Hula Sets. But you have to give the customers what they ask for!

Did I mention it was cold today?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

'Opio hula set with detachables

We have just added a new item to our website. The 'Opio set is now available to purchase with detachable 'uli'uli caps and bases for $160. The set comes with detachable 'uli'uli, ipu, pu'ili, 'ili'ili, pupu all in small size, a regular kala'au and a medium hula bag. (this picture shows medium 'uli'uli and pu'ili and is missing the pupu....but you get the idea)
This is becoming one of our most popular hula sets. Perfect for children but lots of adults enjoy the smaller sizes. It seems dancers prefer to practice with just the bases, keeping the feather caps for performances. And it's easy to just order the caps if you need different colored feathers.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Aloha Aunty Carol!

Shout out to Kumu Hula Aunty Carol Kapu of Hana, sweet and gracious lady, enjoy your retirement!
Mahalo to her haumana Judy for sending us this picture.

New Camera

Purchased an Olympus 850 because it's compact and waterproof. I think I like it so far, but will need to get a bigger memory only takes 8 pictures as it is now!
Here are a couple of shots from yesterday.
My dad and his kayaking buddy Dan with some of the catch. It's too bad I didn't have this camera earlier because last week, Dan and Dad caught a 12 pound Ulua (over 10 pounds is ulua right?).

As you can see, it was another perfect day on the ocean! We saved a couple of small ones but this turned out to be a day of paddling for exercise with fishing on the side (did a ton of catch and release....junk fish...but so fun!).

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

We had a very quiet New Years celebration. Cooked a prime rib roast for the very first time yesterday for the kids and my parents. I was so relieved that it turned out pretty good. Will definitely do it again.

After getting all the animals settled (poor things, they get so frazzled with the fireworks), we went to sleep early.....I slept through the midnight firecrackers.

Woke up early this morning to go fishing. It was so much fun! Kent and I launched our stand up paddle boards off of Kihei, paddled about a mile out and dropped our lines. It was an absolutely gorgeous day, no wind, glassy clean water and lots of sunshine.
We caught quite a few smaller fish but let them all go.

This is my catch of the day which I was not about to put back (Kent is so picky when it comes to fish)! We're gonna cook it up tomorrow....haven't decided if we should steam or fry.

2 pound 'A'awa (Hawaiian Hogfish)

We have plans to go out again Sunday.....gotta do something when there's no surf!

Hope you all had a fun New Years celebration and that the New Year brings much peace and satisfaction.