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Na Kani O Hula Blog

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Na Kani O Hula Blog

Location: Pukalani, Hawaii, United States

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Fun at Merrie Monarch

As usual every year, we had a wonderful time at the Merrie Monarch's Hawaiian Arts Fair.

Mahalo to Nelson Makua and Paula DeMorales for coordinating an exceptional event.
Besides all the beautiful handmade crafts, there were traveling musicians throughout the day and the best entertainment on stage.

One of our favorite groups was Ke Ola Pono from the Big Island's Alulike program. The kupuna are so fiesty and such a joy to watch!

Before his performance, Cyril Pahinui took time to pose with Kent and autograph his CD. Kent remembers surfing with brother Bla at Ma'alaea many years ago....

We're so lucky every year to have the same neighbors.

Buddy Makaiau, the famous pahu maker.
Etua Tahauri, also known for his pahu and tahitian drums and for judging at Tahitian competitions.
We get to learn something new each year and just enjoy spending time with these great men and all who stop by to visit them.

Across the way was our new friend Lani Chun and her husband of Ohana Expressions who makes these fantastic clay lei. As you can see, they look real!

And around the corner Juny Yadao from Kauai who transforms ordinary opihi shells into fabulous pendants and earrings.

This craft show is one of the only places where you will find so many lauhala weavers....and the best weavers at that. Some of our favorites...Aunty Minnie Ka'awaloa and Gladys Miller. They weave pu'ili and 'ukulele cases among other things.

Mahalo nui Aunty Minnie for the ali'ipoe!
She says she has lots around her place and she has been collecting for us....soooo lucky!

Aunty Maluihi Lee, master lauhala weaver and living treasure, famous for her hats. It's an honor to know her.

And our very own Pohaku Kaho'ohanohano of Maui. So young and such an awesome weaver. It's amazing to see what he incorporates in his lauhala hats...bamboo, banana....and he can weave your name into a braclet!

Last, but certainly not least, our good friend Ika Vea and his family. From our very first Merrie Monarch craft show, he was so helpful to us tips on how to do/make things and even sending us a drum sander many, many years ago. We love Ika. He makes pahu for us.

Another Merrie Monarch season has quickly come and gone and the planning for next year begins.....

Big congratulations to our participating Maui halau: Keali'i Reichel and Halau Ke'alaokamaile, Kamaka Kukona and Halau O Ka Hanu Lehua, Napua Greig and Kahulu Maluo-Huber and Halau Na Lei Kaumaka O Uka!! And of course to Maui's Miss Aloha Hula, Heno Kane!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Merrie Monarch

As usual this time of year, we have been very busy trying to get orders out on time while at the same time, preparing for the Merrie Monarch Hawaiian Arts Fair. Sad to say, we have not been in the ocean for far tooo long!
We leave for Hilo first thing tomorrow morning and will be setting up at the Afook-Chinen Civic Auditorium. Booth number 91 in front of the stage. So stop by and say hello if you are there.
I won't forget my camera this year and hope to take some pictures for you.
In the mean time, please remember that we will not be able to return phone calls and emails until we return on the 19th. Aloha!