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My Ipu Pawehe Project

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Location: Pukalani, Hawaii, United States

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My Ipu Pawehe Project

In March, I attended a meeting of the Maui Hui Kapa at the Maui Nui Botanical Gardens. We toured the gardens and learned about some of the different dye plants from Lisa Raymond. At the end of our walk, we came to the ipu patch and were so lucky to each receive an ipu!
After all this time, I had never attempted an ipu pawehe (decorated gourd) by the Ni'ihau or dye method. There are different ways to achieve staining on the ipu. Here, I will pour the dye into the ipu.

First, you must get a mature green ipu (make sure the stem is brown). Then you cut your design into the skin of the ipu. Cut open the ipu and take out most of the innards.

Make your dye. I collected some kukui bark at the Gardens in March but since I was not able to work on this until May....the ipu was fine, but the bark was not. And since I was in such a hurry, I used strong coffee as my dye and poured it in.

Then the wait. That's foil and a la'amia on top to try keep the bugs out and evaporation at a minimum. As the dye levels go down, add more dye. This sat for about 3 weeks. Needless to say, it smelled.

I washed the outside and inside and this is how it turned out. The design is not very outstanding but I do like the color. I enjoyed this experiment and learned ALOT.

In this picture you see the bottom is very yellow. I cut the bottom skin as part of my design least a few weeks before I cut the rest of the design and poured the dye. So for my next ipu pawehe, I will cut the whole design and let it sit awhile before I cut open and pour my dye. I will also try to use a traditional dye next time.

This is the finished product. Next ipu pawehe will be natural finish. Again I was anxious and couldn't wait for the smell to I had Kent coat the inside and varnish the outside. By the way, this ipu sounds wonderful!

Mahalo Nui to Lisa and I urge anyone to support the Maui Nui Botanical's a great resource!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for your information about using the pawehe style to decorate gourds. I just started to carve a design into a gourd for the first time, and I want to see if I understand what you did. I think you scraped the bottom of your ipu soon after picking it off the vine in March, then in May you carved the triangles around the "equator". Soon after that you cut it open, emptied out the innards, and poured in the coffee dye. Was the bottom so much lighter than the stripe of triangles because the gourd needs time to seal itself after it is carved, or because it seals itself better when it is carved soon after being picked off the vine? If the first one is true, we should carve it any time but wait several weeks before dyeing. If the second one is true, we should carve it right after picking, and go ahead and pour the dye in right away. Do you know? Thanks again. -Shannon

August 31, 2009 at 1:11 PM  
Blogger Na Kani O Hula said...

Hi Shannon, As I see it, the design needs time to dry out before pouring in the dye so yes, you could carve it anytime that the ipu is still green (but don't wait too long) then give it at least a week or two to sit.
Good luck and if you can...send pictures...I'd love to see your finished ipu!

August 31, 2009 at 1:31 PM  

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