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Plants in the Yard

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Location: Pukalani, Hawaii, United States

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Plants in the Yard

Today was clean the yard day so I thought I would introduce you to some of our plants.

This is our little laua'e patch. I hate to say that I can't remember where the first seedling came from but this little patch has served us well over the years. I remember a couple of years ago one evening when Bronson announced, "Mom, I need a lei po'o."
Sure, when? "Uh, tomorrow." Typical....

When my mom and dad moved from Makawao to Kahului, I inherited the orchids. I wasn't sure how many would survive since I knew nothing about orchids. As it turns out, they are all doing quite well. I guess if they're in the right place, you don't over water them (not a problem) and feed them every so often, they're happy. This particular orchid, I found out, was my
grandmother's from her house on Alabama St. in Pu'unene, still in its original cement pot. I guess it's pretty old since Alabama Street (and most of the houses in Pu'unene) hasn't existed in awhile. Sad.

This is probably the last of the pakalana blooms for this year.
Another special plant that came from the house I grew up in. I took cuttings from my mom's plant in Makawao and planted them along our back fence. It is my absoulute favorite flower! I remember getting a twelve strand lei for graduation (which I kept in my room until it just about turned to dust) it smelled so wonderful. The fragrance just puts you in a good mood.

Every morning Kent picks some and puts them on the window sill in the office. Hmmm....

This stephanotis aka pua male (sometimes worn by brides hence the name "wedding flower") also adorns the back fence. It appeared on our plant bench one day pretty much looking like a stick in a pot. A couple of weeks later I find out it's a stephanotis from my Aunty Sally's house. It had a rough start but is now flourishing....even surviving a weed whacking from Kent!

This plant called Pa'u O Hi'iaka is also the name of Hokulani's halau and was a center piece at the halau's 30 year anniversary (2 years ago?). I wasn't sure how happy this plant would be here in Pukalani since it is a coastal plant, but so far so good.

According to legend, long ago, the volcano goddess Pele went surfing and took her baby sister Hi'iaka with her. She left Hi'iaka asleep on the beach while she went to surf. Enjoying the surf so much, she forgot all about her baby sister lying there in the hot sun. Seeing all of this, the gods took pity on poor Hi'iaka. On remembering her little sister, Pele quickly returned to the beach to find that the gods had covered her in the vines of this plant to protect her from the burning rays. That is why the plant is called Pa'u O Hi'iaka (The skirt of Hi'iaka).

Well, I may have to do a part II Plants in the Yard since I have more plants with stories. Some day...

Today's 'Olelo No'eau: He keiki aloha na mea kanu. Beloved children are the plants.

Plants are like beloved children, receiving much attention and care.


Blogger Deb said...

hi cuz! i loved reading this - funny how even plants can bring us such fond memories. i liked hearing about grandma's orchid still in the pot. . .to think it's lived so long. did aunty sally stick the stef. in your pot w/out telling you? heehee:-)

November 16, 2007 at 5:19 AM  
Blogger Na Kani O Hula said...

Grandma's orchid....yea, now the pressure's on to keep it going. And who to pass it on to?

November 16, 2007 at 9:04 AM  

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